xlminer problem
Dear colleagues,
I uploaded very simple data fo regression analysis
I set all paramers but report is not generated incomp cheking…
Could help
Thank you in advance
Hi Vagif!
Thank you for your question, though there are some things that are still a little unclear. I believe we also communicated via a "ticket" but I would like to also put an answer here.
As far as we know there are currently no errors with our web interface, though occasionally there will be delay or a short "down time" if there are a large numbers of users running large operations (though this is a rare occurrence as "load balancing" handles the larger requests fairly well). That said, if you are using www.xlminer.com, this could be the root of the issue. www.xlminer.com is still "active" but is currently unsupported and hasn't been updated in some time.
It would be beneficial to instead use www.analyticsolver.com, where you can Log In (the same credentials you use at www.xlminer.com should work) and click the Analytic Solver button at the top left of the page post log in to access the most up-to-date web interface we currently have available. The main difference here is that you will run your XLMiner operations from the Data Mining tab at the interface instead of an XLMiner tab.
Hope this helps!
Brandon T.
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