If you are getting an error similar to "Risk Solver Engine Not Loading#Name Errors" please give the steps below a try:
Step 1: Open a blank workbook/worksheet of Excel.
Step 2: Click on the top left ‘File’ tab then ‘Options’ on the left bottom menu bar.
A new ‘Excel Options’ box should come up.
Step 3: On the left menu click ‘Add-ins’, then at the bottom where it says ‘Manage: Excel Addins’
Click 'Go'.
Step 4: Check to see if ‘Analytic Solver Platform’ is in there and checked. If it isn't, click 'Browse'.
Step 5: Then browse in windows explorer to C:\Program Files (x86)\Frontline Systems\Analytic Solver Platform\Bin
Below where it allows you to view the ‘File Type’ select ‘All Files’.
Click on the RSPAddin.xll file and then open.
Step 6: Make sure the Analytic Solver Platform is now in there and checked then click OK button.
Step 7: Re-run a Simulation and see if the #NAME cells remain.
If they #NAME is still there, then make absolute sure you have associated uncertain function(or PsiOutput functions) that use each distribution you have set for the simulation to work correctly. Either that or run a simulation and simply double click on the #NAME cells to see if they at least show a graph.
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