If your school/company is behind a Proxy Server then this could block your login/license from working.
To allow for passthrough with this proxy server you can set the proxy information in our License Manager then proceed to Login with your Log/Pass to get your license working with Analytic Solver or the Solver SDK Platform.
Click on the Start button within Windows and go to All Apps-Frontline Systems-License Manager
When the box comes up it will list the products found by type. Web/Registry/File.
Clicking on the options button will allow you to type in the Proxy Server information along with your domain login to access.
Note: The Proxy "Address" should be in the following format:
With this set you can hit 'Login' on the left and log in with your e-mail/password that you registered on our http://analyticsolver.com site.
It would be best to include your IT staff for this information along with checking that REST calls can be enabled or set.
Here are some additional details that may be useful:
1. Ensure that email from info@solver.com is not blocked and reaches the users email account. These emails
are necessary to confirm the users account after registering and to send the users a password reset link.
From: info@solver.com
Subject Line: "Confirm your account", "Reset Password", or "Confirm your account-Resend"
This email also contains a link to confirm the account, or reset the users password. For example, the password reset link:
or the account confirmation link:
2. Ensure that the licensing REST requests from the Excel Desktop software are not blocked and reach the end users machine. These
are necessary for the user to obtain the proper license and run the software.
REST requests are:
GET https://analyticsolver.com/api/License/UserInfo
GET https://analyticsolver.com/api/License/UserLicense
GET https://analyticsolver.com/api/License/CheckOut
GET https://analyticsolver.com/api/License/Renew
GET https://analyticsolver.com/api/License/CheckIn
The above also have additional path and query parameter elements. Those are just the base URL's.
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